Thinking about how you can start a private therapy practice on part-time hours. Maybe it’s because you love your current position at a group practice or agency –– or maybe it’s because you aren’t ready to quit your job yet.
Starting a private practice therapy business on part-time hours can be a way to bring in additional income and help others.
With a private therapy practice, you also have the flexibility to create your own work hours. You can offer therapy sessions at times that are most convenient for you and work at your own pace.
Here’s how you can start your private practice therapy business on part-time hours:
1. Define your goals. The first step of any pursuit is to define clear goals. Setting clear, achievable goals helps you prioritize your time and work towards achieving something.
● Do you want to keep your therapy business on part-time hours in the long run?
● How many clients do you want to have at one time?
● How much money do you want to bring in per month?
2. Decide the type of private practice therapy you will provide. Do you have a niche?
3. Invest in yourself. Your clients will be investing in you for their growth, and you should lead by example! Invest in your future by getting certified in a particular modality (i.e. EMDR, ACT, DBT, EFT Couples), enrolling in training that builds your knowledge, and taking steps that build your credibility.
● Your investment in yourself will attract clients by building their trust in you and your knowledge.
4. Allocate time each week towards your business and its tasks. What does building a private practice therapy business on part-time hours look like to you?
● Decide which days you will work on your
business. If you have the flexibility, allocate specific hours to work on your private practice therapy business.
● Simplify as much as possible. When building a business, we want to achieve everything. With every task you have, step back and ask yourself: how can I make this as simple as possible?
5. Create a marketing plan. Decide how much time you want to spend marketing your business each week.
● Create a referral network - i.e. pediatricians, psychiatrists, schools, churches, etc.
● Reach clients on different platforms, including social media and psychology directories.
● Consider self-publishing a book or guide that might be part of your marketing.
● Look for public relations opportunities - i.e. submit articles to psychology outlets, become a media expert, speak at local schools, etc.
Are you ready to start impacting the world? Make a plan and go for it!